copy + social media

   higgsone  |   the red shift   |   personal projects  

Higgsone - a wearables startup

|   social media and website copy + graphics; logo redesign   |

between 2021-2022, I worked as the sole Social Media Manager for Higgsone, a sports wearables startup based in Poznan, Poland. my duties included creating a social media strategy based on the startup’s initial pitch deck visuals and tone of voice, researching content relevant to the target audience’s interests, creating social media graphics, writing and scheduling posts, as well as providing graphics and copy for the company’s official website.

below are screenshots of the website, with all copy aside from the headings, as well as all graphics except for the product renders and the logo provided by myself., the official Higgsone website

Higgsone’s official Instagram


select posts from Higgsone’s Instagram page (also posted on Facebook and LinkedIn with minor changes to accomodate for the platform’s specific requirements), all copy, graphics and GIFs created by myself

not necessarily related to copywriting, but on the topic of branding, I was also asked to suggest a possible new logo for Higgsone, as well as to perform additional ad hoc jobs for both Higgsone and its sister company SES Hydgrogen. below are two examples of such work:

proposed new logo for Higgsone - the sharp edges, as opposed to the oroginal’s curves, is supposed to bring efficiency, edge and dynamicism to mind, in line with the company’s focus on sports and new technlogoy. the lines dissecting the characters reference the interconnected circuitry in Higgsone’s smart apparel

design for a scroll poster standee for SES Hydrogen, a company focused on clean hydrogen energy. the standee was used by the company during a business conference. the colour palette references the company’s logo, with tall buildings and sleek visuals emphasising SES Hydrogen’s future-focused approach

Five Story House and The Red Shift

|   podcast episode blurbs and transcription   |

writing my BA dissertation on the use of Alternate Reality Games in marketing, I contacted one of the biggest names within the genre, Sean Stewart. as it happened, at the time he was in the beginning phases of a new project - a narrative tie-in to the game Colonize Mars, in the form of a weekly podcast - The Red Shift - coupled with live premieres and audience participation.

I was lucky enough to be invited onto the team, with my duties consisting of attending weekly brainstorm sessions for future episodes, transcribing audio, helping with audience management and engagement, as well as writing episode blurbs for new releases:

examples of my blurbs for The Red Shift, all written in keeping with the release’s tone of voice.
the podcast, along with the episode blurbs, available through this link

personal projects


social media graphics announcing a merch giveaway I hosted on my personal accounts, optimized for the new 3:4 Instagram grid ratio. the giveaway prizes are fan-made merch items related to an office horror podcast, so I edited graphics to match the overall theme and feel - adding mist and blood splatters to the paper and a darker vignette around the image.

you can see the original stock iamges below:


I didn’t want the viewers to be able to identify the original image on the left as bankrupcy forms, so I edited some of the key identifying words out and very visibly redacted others, as I figured that kind of obscuring of details really matches the tone of the show. I also deleted any visible mentiones of the United States off the forms (no subtext, the podcast just takes place in the UK) and changed the background colour to red to better match the podcast’s logo, which I added as a stamp to the document.

for the second image, I mostly just played with the background colour to make it match the previous image and extended it upwards to fit the 3:4 Instagram ratio. I also decided to swap the writing on the pen to a slogan present in the podcast to make it look like company merch. neat!

© 2025 Magda Cwiek